Friday, March 23, 2012

Fear Factor

The Green team had great spirit.
The Linawo kids had a very special event planned for us on our last day together:  Fear Factor.  Of course, the kids were very confident because they informed us that South Africans will eat anything.  We were divided into four teams.  Each team used body paint to decorate themselves, trying to make their opponents intimidated. 

The game started with each team sharing their cheer.  Although the cheers started off timid, they grew more intense and fearsome as the game progressed.  In the first round, each team was giving a black bag filled with things that they had to eat.  The items in the bag weren't as scary as we had imagined, but eating them quickly was a challenge.  Some of the other fear inducing challenges were catching mustard-dipped marshmallows in your mouth, eating ketchup covered smarties with no hands, popping a balloon with only body parts, and lifting beans out of a bucket of ice water.  The game was a huge success, and all the teams ended up within one point of each other.  It was any teams game to win right up to the final round.

Here are some pictures from the fear factor competition.

The yellow team doing their team cheer.
Phillip is picking his first mystery food item from the bag.

Keith picked the raw onion!

Joddie is working on a bag of cooked pasta.
These girls are using their toes to pick beans out of a bucket of ice water.

Popping balloons is not as easy as it looks.

Phillip is eating smarties covered in catchup, to conquer the fear of "blood".
The final challenge was to eat pickles and peanut butter.

This team has a lot of pickles and peanut butter left to go.

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